To become a supporter of Roxboro United Church and help us promote happiness, harmony, and peace on Earth, you can make a donation. We accept help from individuals and corporate entities. You may leave a donation during the collection time in our Sunday worship service or consider PAR:
Support our church through an automatic monthly withdrawal
Pre-Authorized Remittance, or PAR, allows you to support your church through an automatic monthly withdrawal from your bank account or by credit card.
The United Church administers the program following the giver’s wishes—for example, you might give X amount for local church expenses and X amount for Mission & Service.
Besides being convenient, using PAR for your offering ensures regular monthly giving to help your church’s ministry even when you are away.
You will be providing a dependable flow of contributions, which increases the church’s overall financial stability. Why not participate in PAR?
You can also donate through Canada Helps the link is found here: